Or, we could say that Jesus was the foremost apostate. He openly challenged the religious leaders and their doctrines. Apostates today follow Jesus' fine example!
Ultimate Reality
JoinedPosts by Ultimate Reality
Witnesses and apostasy from the WT
by isaacaustin in"apostates" are considered by the wt to be the worst kind of sinners, and summarily shunned at all costs.
while there is no scriptural basis for this when the seeming proof-texts are analyzed....fear and loyalty to the org always allow this to keep going on.
in the book of matthew, jesus was tempted by the satan the devil.
Ultimate Reality
What do you think about Revelation?
by wantstoleave inhow do you put the bible book of revelation into perspective?
do you see it as real?
Ultimate Reality
Auntbee: I agree, from this viewpoint we should also look at Matt 24 from a 1st century fulfillment only -- not a double-sense prophecy concept where Jesus would be speaking in riddles.
I'm new, let me introduce myself
by no lies please ini've been lurking here for many months.
i served as an elder for many years, and regular pioneer for much longer until recently.
i'm also a mts grad and was used extensively on the circuit and district level.
Ultimate Reality
Welcome, you are not alone!
What do you think about Revelation?
by wantstoleave inhow do you put the bible book of revelation into perspective?
do you see it as real?
Ultimate Reality
There are a number of excellent books on a pre-70CE view for Revelation. Check out Before Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry. If you would like a compelling interpretation on this view, that examines the entire NT from the standpoint of the 1st century Christians expecting the parousia within their generation, check out James Stewart Russell's book: The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878).
If you take this view, the Great Tribulation and the "end" came in 70 C.E. when Christ returned to execute judgement on the apostate harlot Babylon the Great: Apostate Jerusalem. It would have been at that time Christ gathered and sealed the 144,000 (be it literal or figurative) from the converted Jews and Gentile Christians. We are now in a figurative 1000 years waiting for the remaining few chapters of Revelation to be fulfilled.
I am not saying this is truth--each should come to their own conclusion. However, as "bible students" this a viewpoint that we should know. It is NOT a view that organized religion wants to hear because it takes away fear.
What do you think about Revelation?
by wantstoleave inhow do you put the bible book of revelation into perspective?
do you see it as real?
Ultimate Reality
I think it was written before 70 C.E.
2009 Sing to Jehovah Lyrics--PDF----by request!
by Atlantis in2009 sing to jehovah lyrics--pdf----by request!
request from researcher: i heard about this file but never received a copy and wondered if you had it.
can i get a copy?
Ultimate Reality
Here's my favorite: We have God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ. Oh wait. Jesus is out and has been replaced by "the slave", God's steward.
011 Making Jehovah’s Heart Glad
(Proverbs 27:11)
1. Great God, we’ve vowed to do your will;
In wisdom your work we’ll fulfill.
For then we know we’ll have a part
In making glad your loving heart.
2. Your slave, your steward here on earth,
Proclaims your greatness and your worth,
Feeds us with nourishment when due,
Thus strengthens us your will to do.
3. Impart to us your active force,
That we may keep a faithful course
And bring forth fruitage to your praise
And thus make glad your heart always.
Watchtower Chronology 1823 to present
by Ultimate Reality inover the course of a few years, and thanks to many on this board, i have assembled a history of the watchtower's most relevant articles that show the development of the 70 years, 607 b.c.e.
and how these ultimately get calculated to reach "the last days" with the appointment of the "faithful slave".. .
the following link contains a pdf with very little commentary and minimal notes.
Ultimate Reality
Thank you to all...
If anyone has questions on any of the quotes, please feel free to post them or send a PM.
--U R
Watchtower Chronology 1823 to present
by Ultimate Reality inover the course of a few years, and thanks to many on this board, i have assembled a history of the watchtower's most relevant articles that show the development of the 70 years, 607 b.c.e.
and how these ultimately get calculated to reach "the last days" with the appointment of the "faithful slave".. .
the following link contains a pdf with very little commentary and minimal notes.
Ultimate Reality
Over the course of a few years, and thanks to many on this board, I have assembled a history of the Watchtower's most relevant articles that show the development of the 70 years, 607 B.C.E. and how these ultimately get calculated to reach "the last days" with the appointment of the "faithful slave".
The following link contains a PDF with very little commentary and minimal notes. The purpose of this document is not to openly attack the chronology but to let the inconsistencies and, in some cases, outright lies speak for themselves. Therefore, the reader still needs to add up what this really means. However, the document can fill a need that many on this board have to address this key issue with their loved ones.
In many cases, excuses for the Society and its teachings are claimed by both witnesses and the Society itself. However, these excuses vanish if it can be proven quantitatively that it is impossible for the Society to have been appointed by Christ...even assuming if all the secondary fulfillment concepts were true. The flawed chronology and the flawed interpretation and application of the 70 years show that this is just another religion and that the bible is not written as a code and riddle that men in Brooklyn were appointed to decipher to their own benefit.
I hope this document helps...
You will note that the page numbers start a 30, this is because this is part of a larger document (formatted in the same fashion) that I will post in the future.
1930's Great Crowd - Still a "generation" problem?
by xelder inthe recent "generation" explanation redo says that the generation means the anointed living now, and we can still have more anointed, therefore there is no limit on how long the generation can run.
this is an attempt to keep 1914 alive and healthy.. however, the wts still teaches that the great crowd began to be gathered in the 1930's (ex: rutherford had people stand and said "behold, the great multitude) since revelation defines the great crowd as coming out of the great tribulation, doesn't that create a life span problem?
what is going through the minds of even the youngest baptized 10 year old members of the great crowd in 1935 who are now in there 80's.. the other sheep of john 10 seems to fit a discription of gentiles.
Ultimate Reality
This is a big problem for them and they know it. As discussed, they will likely force down some totally illogical "new light" on the matter. Those faithful to the Governing Body will obey. I think all this talk about fear of apostates and loyalty to the GB in recent Watchtowers is preparation for the new teachings that are needed for a new generation of Witnesses.
The 1984 Survival book on page 185 says that God did not call the Great Crowd too soon...but the first ones called are dead.